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Sun, 4 Jan 2026 - Thu, 12 Mar 2026

NEW WORLD〉 is an exhibition that explores new possibilities at the intersection of various boundaries. In the multidimensional space between disabled and able-bodied, art and education, and Korea and Japan, we shine a spotlight on up-and-coming artists with disabilities who speak to the world through their unique perspectives. As a Korea-Japan international exchange exhibition, this exhibition was planned to highlight cultural prejudices against disability art from an international perspective and provide a place for deep reflection together. The frank self-expression of the artists participating in NEW WORLD is a quiet resistance to the unnecessary modifiers that society adds because of "differences," and at the same time, it is an invitation to co-create a new world that aims for coexistence.

Sponsored by: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
       Korea Culture and Arts Center for the Visually Impaired
Organized by: HEAD Lab (Hanyang Art + Design Education Center),
       Hanyang University, Hanyang University Museum
Cooperated by: Otagawa Gakuen
        Community Hot Space Pong Pong
        A/R/T Networks